BalanceCO2 offers a wide range of services geared towards green house Gas emissions and General Environmental Consulting. BalanceCO2 brings with it a combined experience of 45+ years in Environmental Consulting and 5+ years of Green House Gas Advisory and Project Development. Our team experts come from various backgrounds bringing with them expertise in multiple fields and varied geographical locations. We currently provide services to project originating in 4 different continents and are still expanding.
Balance CO2 services are backed by a strong infrastructure and dedicated personnel with strong expertise in specialized fields. Our non-competence policy makes us serve all our clients in a secular way without over-stepping each other’s business interests. This along with our timely completion of projects makes us the No.1 choice for provision of environmental services for companies. BalanceCO2 offers services in variety of sectors including but not limiting to
BalanceCO2 has an established domain and maintains a secure Email Server. All correspondences through email and physical mail are captured to ensure a trail for review, providing transparency of communication between BalanceCO2 staff, client and other stakeholders of the verification activities. Similarly a centralized process for record management and reporting model is followed by BalanceCO2. All working paper documents related to the verification will be backed up and stored by BalanceCO2 for a period of seven (7) years from the issuance of verification report. During the verification process, BalanceCO2 procedures will provide assurance of transparent decision making, devoid of conflict of interest through a self-declaration process by members and contractors of BalanceCO2, and use of pre-determined sign-off and approval process between members of the assessment team.
The verification methodology deployed by BalanceCO2 for its finding and reporting will ensure Quality Assurance and professional care. The role of Technical Reviewer in reviewing the GHG assertion and the consensual process used in the methodology will provide the adequate risk mitigation, to meet the level of assurance required in its Verification Statement.